AccelePrep for the ACT Test 2nd Edition Student Text
3. Which of the expressions shown below is equivalent to x x 1 1 2 ?
A. x 1 B. x 1 C. x 2 D. 2 E.
STRATEGY ALERT Plug-and-Chug. To understand an algebraic expression, substitute various numbers to see how they behave. STRATEGY ALERT A word about substituting the number 1: It’s fast, but can be tricky. You have two options concerning 1. First, you can avoid 1 altogether, since it can lead to ambiguous or duplicate results. Or second, you can use 1 carefully, making sure to check duplicate or ambiguous answers with another number (this is our preference because of its speed).
x x 2 1
x x 2 1 2 4. If y x 2 , then y x 2 _ i F. –16 G. –4 H. 0 Ǥ Ͷ K. 16 5. Which of the following expressions is equivalent to ( ) a b a b 4 3 2 3 ? A. a 2 B. ab 12 C.
a b 2 6 D. a b 6 6 E. a b 8 9
6. If neither x nor y is 0, which of the expressions below is equivalent to x y x y 3 9 6 9 2 2 3 6 _ _ i i ? F. 1 G. 3 H. x y 2 3 Ǥ x y 3 2 3 K. x y 9 2 3 You may also be asked to create an equation. 7. An airplane takes off from the Metro County Airport and ascends at a constant rate of 1,000 feet per minute until it reaches its cruising altitude of 28,000 feet above sea level. If the airport is 750 feet above sea level, which of the following equations, where m is minutes since Ǧǡ ϐ during its ascent?
A. A = 28,000 – 1,000 m + 750 B. A = 28,000 – 1,000 m – 750 C. A = 1,000 m – 28,000 + 750 D. A = 1,000 m + 750 E. A = 1,000 m – 750
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