AccelePrep for the ACT Test 2nd Edition Student Text



One set of questions on the test will be based on a pair of passages. You’ll need to understand both passages separately and then be able to compare them with each other. (The question below continues our discussion of the paired passages on pp. 148–149.) 12. Which of the following best describes the differences in tone between Passage A and Passage B? F. The author of Passage A criticizes Lu’s study, while the author of Passage B praises it. G. The author of Passage A explains Lu’s study, while the author of Passage B criticizes it. Ǥ Š‡ ƒ—–Š‘” ‘ˆ ƒ••ƒ‰‡ ƒƒŽ›œ‡• –Š‡ ϐ‹†‹‰• ‘ˆ —ǯ• •–—†›ǡ ™Š‹Ž‡ the author of Passage B praises it. J. Both the author of Passage A and Passage B criticize Lu’s study. Typically, the questions that follow paired passages are arranged in a ’”‡†‹…–ƒ„Ž‡ ‘”†‡”ǣ –Š‡ ϐ‹”•– “—‡•–‹‘• ƒ• ‘Ž› ƒ„‘—– –Š‡ ϐ‹”•– ’ƒ••ƒ‰‡ǡ –Š‡ next questions ask only about the second passage, and the concluding questions ask you about both passages together. 12. This item asks you to compare the overall tone of the two passages. Š‡ ƒ—–Š‘” ‘ˆ ƒ••ƒ‰‡ ϐ‹†• ˆƒ—Ž– ™‹–Š —ǯ• •–—†› ƒ† Š‹• ϐ‹†‹‰• •‘ „‘–Š ȋ Ȍ ƒ† ȋ Ȍ…ƒ „‡ ‡Ž‹‹ƒ–‡†Ǥ Š‡ ƒ—–Š‘” ‘ˆ ƒ••ƒ‰‡ †‡ϐ‹‹–‡Ž› criticizes Lu’s study, but the author of Passage A is mainly concerned with analyzing or explaining the study, so the correct answer is (G). Paired Passage items ask you to draw conclusions and make inferences based on two sets of passages. SUM IT UP - PAIRED PASSAGES


POWER TIP Some paired passage items ask you to juxtapose passages, or place them side-by-side to show similarities or differences. This isn’t really a different question type. For example, the sample question on the right is a tone question. But it is asking you about two passages instead of one. POWER TIP You will need to keep the two passages straight in answering questions that address both. For example, you don’t want to mix up which tone goes with which passage. Jotting down quick notes for each passage can help you organize your thoughts.


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