AccelePrep for the ACT Test 2nd Edition Student Text
At the beginning of the course, you will take a pre-test. This pre-test is an ACT, Inc. ACT practice exam. When you take the pre-test, you should bring the following items to the classroom, in addition to anything else your teacher instructs you to bring: 1. Sharpened, soft-lead No. 2 pencils. 2. A calculator that is approved for use on the test. This includes Ǧ ǡ ϐ ǡ ǡ following: • Devices with built-in computer algebra systems. • Pocket organizers or PDAs. • Handheld, laptop, or tablet computers. • Electronic writing pad or pen-input devices. • Calculators built into any electronic communication device, such as a cell phone. • Models with a QWERTY (typewriter) keypad. (Calculators with letters on the keys are permitted as long as the keys are not arranged in a QWERTY keypad.) You may use the following types of calculators if you make appropriate ϐ ǣ • Calculators that can hold programs or documents: remove all documents and remove all programs that have computer algebra system functionality. • Models with paper tape: the paper must be removed. • Models that make noise: the sound feature must be turned off. • Models that have an infrared data port: the port must be covered with duct tape, electrician’s tape, or another heavy, opaque material. • Models that have a power cord: the power cord must be removed. (For more detailed information on calculator usage, go to www.actstudent. org/faq/calculator.html.) 3. A watch (to pace yourself as you work through each test section). If your program has ordered pre-test Student Summary reports, you will receive one of these reports with your pre-test results. You will learn more about how to read and use your Student Summary report in the “Use the Pre-Test Reports” section.
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