AccelePrep for the ACT Test 2nd Edition Student Text


4. The sentence is correct as written. The commas are used correctly to set off the nonrestrictive material. 5. The colon in this sentence is unnecessary because the elements in the series are signaled by the word “including,” so eliminate (A) and (D). The commas are necessary to separate the elements in the series, so eliminate (C). Therefore, (B) is correct.


3. A full train crew consists of a motorman, a brakeman, a conductor, and two ticket takers. A. NO CHANGE B. motorman, a brakeman, a conductor and, C. motorman, a brakeman a conductor and D. motorman a brakeman a conductor, and 4. ˆ–‡” ‡–‡” ϐ‹‹•Š‡† ’ƒ‹–‹‰ –Š‡ „‹”† feeder he and Jack hung it from a limb of the oak tree. F. NO CHANGE G. feeder, he and Jack H. feeder; he and Jack J. feeder, he and Jack, 5. In addition to test scores, college admissions ‘ˆϐ‹…‡”• –ƒ‡ ‹–‘…‘•‹†‡”ƒ–‹‘ ƒ› ‘–Š‡” factors such as: grades, extracurricular activities, and letters of recommendation. A. NO CHANGE B. factors such as grades, extracurricular activities, C. factors: such as grades, extracurricular activities, D. factors such as grades extracurricular activities

DIRECTIONS: Read the following statements and circle any errors in the underlined parts. Then select the correct answer. Answers are on p. 308. 1. According to legend, King Arthurs court consisted of twenty-four knights, each of whom was chosen by King Arthur for a special talent or virtue. A. NO CHANGE B. King Arthurs' C. King Arthur's court D. Kings' Arthur Court 2. In the turmoil of our modern times, it is important to try to keep in mind the fundamental moral values that structure our society. F. NO CHANGE G. modern times' H. modern time's J. modern-like times'

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