Victory for the ACT Student Text 15e
Passage B ͳͺͳǡ Atlantic Monthly magazine asked the poet Emily Dickinson for a photograph of her that it might publish. Her response was: “I don’t have one.” This polite, but emphatic, refusal was one of the strategies that allowed Dickinson to turn her back on America’s burgeoning mass audience and to imagine herself as an artist governed solely by inspiration. Suspicious of the techniques by which publishing houses transformed authors into marketable commodities for the masses, she considered herself a romantic poet writing from her garret for art alone. She wanted to publish in ways that preserved her control Ǥ few poems published either without her ϐ army, Dickinson never published in the sense we understand it. The primary purpose of Passage A is to: F. demonstrate that a writer can praise nature without himself living as a hermit. G. show that the popular view of Thoreau as an oddball loner is an ϐ Ǥ H. illustrate some ways in which Thoreau misrepresented his commitment to an alternative lifestyle. J. show that active involvement with social issues is inconsistent with a hermit’s lifestyle. 17 . The author includes all of the following in Passage A to disprove the suggestion that Thoreau was a simple hermit EXCEPT: A. that he was involved in the Underground Railroad. B. that he wrote about social and political issues of the day. C. that his cabin stood close to a village and neighbors. D. that he wrote a book on the virtue of living with nature. Questions 16–17 ask about Passage A. 16.
Question 18 asks about Passage B. As used in line 34, romantic means: F. concerned with love between two individuals. G. motivated by artistic considerations. Ǥ ϐ ǯ Ǥ Ǥ readers. 19. Which of the following provides the most accurate comparison of the personalities of the authors discussed in the two passages? A. Thoreau was a hermit in reputation only while Dickinson was a genuine recluse. B. Dickinson wished for anonymity while Thoreau sought a remote, rustic lifestyle. C. Dickinson lived in an attic room while Thoreau resided permanently in a tent. D. Thoreau championed popular causes while Dickinson ignored political issues. Question 19 asks about both passages. 18 .
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