Victory for the ACT Student Text 15e
122 • R EADING
32. According to the author, the pessimism mentioned in line 44 is partly attributable to the fact that: F. there has been little real improvement in healthcare services. G. expectations about healthcare services are sometimes unrealistic. H. large segments of the population ϐ healthcare services. J. advances in technology have made healthcare service unaffordable. 33. The author cites the prepaid plans (lines 58–59) as: A. counterexamples to the claim that nothing has worked. B. examples of healthcare plans that were overfunded. C. evidence that healthcare services are fragmented. D. proof of the theory that no plan has been successful. 34. It can be inferred that the sentence “Humpty Dumpty cannot always be put back together again” (lines 51–53) means that: F. the cost of healthcare services will not decline. G. some people should not become doctors. H. medical care is not really essential to good health. J. medical science cannot cure every ill. 35. With which of the following descriptions of the system for the delivery of healthcare services would the author most likely agree? A. It is biased in favor of doctors and against patients. B. It is highly fragmented and completely ineffective. C. It has not embraced new technology rapidly enough. D. It is generally effective but can be improved.
Which of the following best describes the logical structure of the selection? F. The third paragraph is intended as ϐ paragraphs. G. The second and third paragraphs are ϐ paragraph. H. The second and third paragraphs explain and put into perspective the ϐ Ǥ Ǥ ϐ problem, and the second and third paragraphs present two sides of the dilemma. The author’s primary concern is to: A. criticize physicians and healthcare administrators for investing in technologically advanced equipment. B. examine some problems affecting the delivery of healthcare services and assess the severity of those problems. C. defend the medical community from charges that healthcare has not improved since World War II. D. analyze the reasons for the healthcare industry’s inability to provide quality care to all segments of the population.
Map It Out Questions like item ͓͵ Ǧ questions that require you to look Ǧ structure. Circle or underline the topic sentences of each paragraph as you read so that you ϐ the answer to this item.
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