Victory for the ACT Student Text 15e
140 • R EADING
The author’s primary concern is to: Ǥ ϐ Ǥ G. clarify a misunderstanding. H. refute a theory. J. discuss a problem.
8. (J) Reading/Key Ideas and Details/Main Idea (J) is the best description of the passage since the author discusses the problem of the cost structure of the healthcare industry. Even if we allow that the author ϐ ȋ ǡ DzdzȌǡ ȋ Ȍǡ ϐ point of the passage. As for (G), it is true that the author argues that the ordinary economic relationships are reversed in the healthcare sector, but the fact that the relationships are unusual does not mean that they are misunderstood. Finally, (H) is incorrect for the same reason. The author does not attack the economic theory that applies to most sectors of the economy. Indeed, the author is implicitly committed to the assumption that the general theory of economic relations is correct.
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