Victory for the ACT Student Text 15e
36. The author states that textbooks written in the middle part of the nineteenth century: F. departed radically in tone and style from earlier textbooks. Ǥ ϐ of liberty. H. treated traditional civic virtues with even greater reverence. J. were commissioned by government agencies. 37. Which of the following would LEAST likely have been the subject of an early American textbook? A. Basic rules of English grammar B. The American Revolution Ǥ D. Effective farming methods 38. The author’s attitude toward the educational system discussed in the passage can best be described as: F. cynical and unpatriotic. G. realistic and analytical. H. pragmatic and frustrated. J. disenchanted and bitter.
39. The passage provides information that would be helpful in answering which of the following questions? A. Why was a disproportionate share of early American textbooks written by New England authors? B. Was the Federalist Party primarily a liberal or conservative force in early American politics? Ǥ ϐ instruct young citizens in civic virtue? D. What were the names of some of the Puritan authors who wrote early American textbooks? 40. The author implies that an early American Puritan would likely insist that: F. moral and religious values are the foundation of civic virtue. G. textbooks should instruct students in political issues of vital concern to the community. H. textbooks should give greater emphasis to the value of individual liberty than to the duties of patriotism. J. private schools with a particular religious focus are preferable to public schools with no religious instruction.
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