Victory for the ACT Student Text 15e


41. Which of the following US economic sectors has declined most seriously since World War II? A. Agriculture B. Manufacturing Ǥ ‹‰ŠǦ–‡…Š‘Ž‘‰› ’”‘†—…–• D. Business-related services 42. Which of the following best expresses the central point of the passage? F. Exports drive the US economy. G. US exports have declined since shortly after World War II. H. Exports are so important to the US economy that steps should be taken to increase US exports worldwide. J. The US government should encourage US corporations to expand into markets in Asia and Latin America. 43. Which of the following areas is NOT mentioned in the passage as a potential market for US goods abroad? A. Asia B. Latin America Ǥ ‡–”ƒŽ —”‘’‡ D. Northern Africa 44. The passage suggests that both US corporations and the US government should: F. discourage imports in favor of exports. G. focus on improving the quality of American products. H. try to meet the competition abroad. J. take steps to reduce the economy’s dependence on exports.

45. With which of the following explanations for the decline in the United States’ share of world GDP would the author be most likely to agree? I. Other countries are relatively uninterested in purchasing the goods and services the United States has to offer. II. Other governments have done more to encourage their countries’ exports than has the US government. Ǥ ‘’ƒ‹‡• ‹ •‘‡ ‘–Š‡” countries have been more enterprising in producing high-quality goods and services. A. II only B. I and II only Ǥ ƒ† ‘Ž› D. II and III only 46. According to the passage, an increase in US exports abroad would generate: F. more high-paying jobs for American workers. Ǥ ‹…”‡ƒ•‡† ’”‘ϐ‹–• ˆ‘” ‡”‹…ƒ farmers. H. greater diversity in American industry. J. resentment among foreign competitors.

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