Victory for the ACT Student Text 15e


Not hardly a sound could be heard in the auditorium when the speaker approached the dais to announce the result of the contest. A. NO CHANGE B. No sounds could not be heard C. Hardly a sound could be heard D. Sounds couldn’t not be heard The track meet begins at 10:00 a.m., so the team needs to depart from the school at a reasonable early hour. F NO CHANGE G. at a reasonably early hour H. during a reasonable early hour J. at a reasonably hour that is early Š‡ ”‡ƒ•‘ ƒ””‹‡– ϐ‹”‡† Š‡” •‡…”‡–ƒ”› ‹• because he was frequently late and spent too much time on personal phone calls. A. NO CHANGE B. although C. that D. because of the fact The reason the manager changed pitchers was because he knew that the opposing side had a left-handed batter. F. NO CHANGE G. The reason that pitchers were changed by the manager was because H. The reason the manager changed pitchers which J. The manager changed pitchers because



30. Although she had been hired by the magazine to write book reviews, she knew scarcely nothing ƒ„‘—–…—””‡– ϐ‹…–‹‘Ǥ F. NO CHANGE G. as if she knew anything H. she didn’t know nothing J. she knew scarcely anything


Ace the Pace Remember that there is no penalty for wrong answers on the ACT test, so make sure to answer every question, even if you must guess. Revisit your guesses later if you have time. If you struggle with double negatives, which Questions 29 and 30 test, for example, guess on them and revisit them later if you have time.


I read in a magazine where scientists believe they have discovered a new subatomic particle. A. NO CHANGE B. in which C. that D. about



The Cambridge Edge Always be concise. For example, in item #31 three answers consist of only one word, while one answer is four words. This doesn’t mean (D) is wrong, but you should be suspicious of a choice that is longer than all the rest. Do the extra words add anything essential?


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