Victory for the ACT Student Text 15e


41. The sheriff called off the search for the escaped convict because he doubted that the convict can successfully cross the river because the current was so swift. A. NO CHANGE B. the convict successfully crossed the river because the current was so swift C. the convict would have been successful in crossing the river, the current being so swift D. a successful attempt to cross the river was made by the convict because the current was so swift 42. Žƒ‹‡ ‹• –Š‡ ˆƒ˜‘”‹–‡ –‘ ™‹ –Š‡ ϐ‹ƒŽ ‡˜‡– because she had always run well at the 100-meter distance. F. NO CHANGE G. has always run H. always ran J. will always run 43. My computer crashed several times before I ϐ‹ƒŽŽ› ϐ‹‰—”‡† ‘—– –Šƒ– Šƒ† Ž‘ƒ†‡† a corrupted copy of the program. A. NO CHANGE Ǥ Šƒ† ϐ‹ƒŽŽ› ϐ‹‰—”‡† ‘—– –Šƒ– Ž‘ƒ†‡† Ǥ Šƒ† ϐ‹ƒŽŽ› ϐ‹‰—”‡† ‘—– –Šƒ– Šƒ† loaded Ǥ ϐ‹ƒŽŽ› Šƒ† ϐ‹‰—”‡† ‘—– –Šƒ– Ž‘ƒ†‡†

44. At the current rate of consumption, we have exhausted ‘—” •—’’Ž› ‘ˆ ϐ‹”‡™‘‘† before the weather turns warm. F. NO CHANGE G. had exhausted H. will exhaust J. will have exhausted The will is going to be read at 3:00 p.m., so the lawyer has asked that all family members are present ‹ –Š‡ ‘ˆϐ‹…‡ ƒ– –Šƒ– time. A. NO CHANGE B are presently C. are going to be present D. be present 46. A dangerous situation could arise if the override switch were left open and the water drops below 50 percent of capacity. F. NO CHANGE G. dropped H. allowed to drop J. allows to drop Use POE  “—‡•–‹‘• Ž‹‡ ͓Ͷ͸ǡ –”› ϐ‹ŽŽ‹‰ ‹ –Š‡ answer choices one at a time to see if the sentence still makes sense. Eliminate the ones you’re sure are wrong. If you’re uncertain about the correct answer, guess from the remaining choices and move on. The conductor announced that the concert would resume as soon as the soloist replaces the broken string on her violin. F. NO CHANGE G. replaced H. will replace J. would replace 45. 48.

When to Use the Perfect Tenses Items #42–44

The Subjunctive Mood Items #45–46

Throwback to English Class The subjunctive mood is used: 1. To express a wish not likely –‘ „‡ ˆ—Žϐ‹ŽŽ‡† ‘” impossible to realize 2. In a subordinate clause after a verb that expresses a command, a request, or a suggestion 3. To express a condition known or supposed to be contrary to fact 4. After “as if” or “as though”


The teacher began to discuss the homework assignment when he will be interrupted by –Š‡ •‘—† ‘ˆ –Š‡ ϐ‹”‡ ƒŽƒ”Ǥ A. NO CHANGE B. had been interrupted by C. was interrupted by D. interrupted


Debrief Watch for shifting verb tenses. Make sure that verb tenses properly ”‡ϐŽ‡…– –Š‡ sequence, as well as the duration, of any action described in the sentence.

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