Victory for the ACT Student Text 15e
14. Although the American relay team did not ϐǡ anchor runner dropped the baton shortly after the hand-off. F. NO CHANGE G. When the American relay team did ϐǡ H. The American relay team did not ϐ Ǥ ϐǡ American relay team’s 15. To abandon their homes, leave behind their families, and traveling across the ocean required great courage on the part of the immigrants who moved to America. A. NO CHANGE B. travel across the ocean C. to travel across the ocean D. while traveling across the ocean 16. The review praised the wit, charm, and interpreting of the recitalist but never once mentioned her voice. F. NO CHANGE G. interpretation of the recitalist H. interpreted the recitalist J. interpretive of the recitalist The Cambridge Edge Lists show up often on the ACT test, and they are usually tied to an item that is testing either parallelism or comma usage. When you see part of a list in an underlined phrase, always check for these two potential errors. INCOMPLETE SPLIT CONSTRUCTIONS FAULTY PARALLELISM
To acknowledge that one has something to learn is ϐ on the road to true wisdom. A. NO CHANGE Ǥ ϐ Ǥ ϐ Ǥ ϐ
18. The students are critical of the dean because he is either unfamiliar or doesn’t care about the urgent need for new student housing on campus. F. NO CHANGE G. more unfamiliar than or H. unfamiliar with or J. unfamiliar about or Baseball has and probably always will be the sport that symbolizes for people in other countries the American way of life. A. NO CHANGE B. has been C. has been and D. have been and The Cambridge Edge ϐ Ǥ ǡ when checking split constructions, read the sentence and skip the intervening material—it should make sense and be grammatically correct. 19.
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