Victory for the ACT Student Text 15e
DIRECTIONS: In the passages below, certain parts of the sentences have been underlined and Ǥ Ǧ ǡ ϐ part; the original version is indicated by the “NO CHANGE” option. For each item, select the choice that best expresses the intended idea, is most acceptable in standard written English, or is most consistent with the overall tone and style of the passage. There are also items that ask about a section of the passage or the passage as a whole. These items do not refer to an underlined portion of the passage; these items are preceded by statements that are enclosed in boxes. Read the passage through once before you begin to answer the accompanying items. Finding the answers to certain items may depend on looking at material that appears several sentences beyond the item. So, be sure that you have read far enough ahead before you select your answer choice. Ǥ ϐ Ǥ study quiz is not timed. Answer each question and check your work as you go. The second quiz is a timed quiz. Take the second quiz under the indicated timed conditions to practice your pacing as you apply what you learned in the English Lessons.
The Cambridge Edge This Directed Study Quiz is designed to help you practice applying what you’ve learned so far without worrying about pacing (we’ll get to that soon). Use a piece of paper to cover up the answers. Check your work after you answer each question.
Passage I
Shakespeare’s Mirror of Life No writer can please many readers and please them for a long time excepting by accurately representing human nature. 1
1. A. NO CHANGE B. except by C. except for D. excepting 1. (B) English/Conventions of Standard English/Sentence Structure/Unintended Meanings The original sentence contains a diction error. The verb “excepting” means “excluding,” but that meaning is not appropriate in the original sentence.
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