Victory for the ACT Student Text 15e
29. A. NO CHANGE B. galaxy to result in C. galaxy. Such a collision could result in D. galaxy with the results that 29. (C) English/Knowledge of Language/Style/ Clarity of Meaning The original sentence is incorrect because it is awkward and ambiguous. It is not clear whether or not “perhaps” is intended to govern both clauses of the sentence. (C) solves the problem by starting a new sentence. The period clearly limits the scope of “perhaps.” (B) is wrong because it is also ambiguous. The sentence resulting from the substitution of (B) seems to imply that the galaxies collide in order to transfer gas, but that is not the intended meaning of the original sentence. As for (D), “that” seems to introduce a clause, but there is no verb in the remaining part of the sentence. 30. F. NO CHANGE G. to the other H. an other J. and another 30. (G) English/Conventions of Standard English/Sentence Structure/Unintended Meanings The original sentence has a logical expression error. The sentence means to say that one galaxy transfers its gas to the other galaxy involved in the collision; for this, the expression in (G) is necessary. EXPLANATIONS
can collide with another galaxy, and the result would be the transfer of large amounts of gas 29 29
from one galaxy to each other. 30
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