Victory for the ACT Student Text 15e


F. NO CHANGE G. The search H. (Do NOT begin a new paragraph) The search J. Also, the search

On the other hand, the search for a solution 22


A. NO CHANGE B. astronomy’s C. astronomy D. astronomys

to one of astronomys’ most persistent and perplexing riddles, black holes, could be viewed 23 by one as a continuation of the search for the whirlpool that is the maw of the abyss, a depth our telescopes cannot reach and from 24 25 which nothing will have returned. What is 26 have a fair idea not only as to how they are formed, but also how large they are and so forth. A combination of theory and observation have led to the growing suspicion among astrophysicists that the nucleus of virtually every galaxy harbors a massive black hole. 28 29 incredible to contemplate, and what sets us apart from the ancients, is that we think we 27


F. NO CHANGE G. by one astronomer H. by those J. OMIT the underlined portion. A. NO CHANGE B. continuing the search of C. continuation to the search for D. continuation for the search for



F. NO CHANGE G. will return H. returns J. returning A. NO CHANGE B. setting us C. and that sets us D. and we are set



F. NO CHANGE G. about H. not about J. OMIT the underlined portion.


A. NO CHANGE B. has led to C. has led D. led


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