Victory for the ACT Student Text 15e


F. NO CHANGE G. relationship that H. relationship—that J. relationship

ϐ‹ˆ–Š relationship, that between friend and 42 friend—was horizontal. A third tradition 43 was respect for learning, another basic idea of Confucius. In traditional Japan, study was the absolute duty of man. It was a religious mandate as well as a social duty and was a means of promoting a harmonious and stable 44 44 45 society. The individual’s behavior was strictly prescribed by law and custom. Only the Samurai had the right to retaliate with force if they were displeased. But his primary duty was to the lord. 46 47


Ͷ͵Ǥ A. NO CHANGE B. Furthermore, a C. (Begin a new paragraph) A D. (Begin a new paragraph) Also a F. NO CHANGE G. Confucius idea H. idea of Confucianism J. Confucianism idea A. NO CHANGE B. mandate as well as being C. mandate as well, D. mandate, F. NO CHANGE G. An individual behavior H. Behavior by individual’s J. The individuals behavior A. NO CHANGE B. But their C. Being that their D. Because their –‡ ͓Ͷͺ ƒ•• ƒ„‘—– –Š‡ ’”‡…‡†‹‰ passage as a whole. ͶͺǤ ͶͶǤ ͶͷǤ Ͷ͸Ǥ Ͷ͹Ǥ

The best description of the development of this essay would be: F. argument and rebuttal. G. a personal narrative. H. a three-part exposition. J. question and answer.

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