Victory for the ACT Student Text 15e

R EADING T EST M ECHANICS • 91 To see what you can learn from just a few sentences, think about these questions: What’s the passage about? • Gas mileage. • Space exploration. • Solar energy. What is a common attitude about energy conservation? • That it doesn’t work. • That it might work. • That it will probably work. What’s the author’s view on solar energy? • It doesn’t work. • It’s unnecessary. • It’s absolutely essential. The answers can be determined from the few sentences you have previewed: the passage is about solar energy. A lot of people think conservation will probably solve all our problems. The author believes solar energy is necessary.

5 30 At the present time, 98 percent of world energy consumption comes from sources such as fossil fuels. Our energy consumption amounts to about one-ten thousandth of the energy we receive from the sun. It is often stated that the growth rate will decline or that energy conservation measures will preclude any long-range problem. The only practical means of avoiding the problem of thermal pollution is the use of solar energy. 10 15 20 25

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