AccelePrep for the ACT Test 2nd Edition Student Text


8. It has been calculated that if the universe has a mass greater than or equal to m , then the universe will eventually collapse on itself. Scientist 1 would likely say that the mass of the universe: F. is equal to m . G. is less than or equal to m. H. is greater than m . J. is less than m . 9. If Scientist 2 claims that the universe is contracting, what would he expect the average temperature of the universe to be in 10 billion years? A. Higher than now B. Lower than now C. Same as now D. No comparison is possible. 1. (C) 6FLHQFH ,QWHUSUHWDWLRQ RI 'DWD &RPSUHKHQVLRQ The “*” indicates that the pulse pressure is the difference between systolic and diastolic pressures. According to the diagram, this difference occurs only for blood vessels between the aorta and the capillaries, as indicated by the shaded area in the upper graph. 2. (F) Science/Evaluation of Models/Analysis According to the top graph in the diagram, average blood pressure decreases from left to right across the top graph. This decrease in pressure corresponds to an increase in the distance of vessels from the left ventricle. ANSWERS

10. What must be true about the energy content of the universe if Scientist 1 is correct? F. It is increasing. G. It is decreasing. H. It is a constant. J. It increased at the moment of the big bang and decreased afterwards.

3. (C) 6FLHQFH ,QWHUSUHWDWLRQ RI 'DWD $QDO\VLV In the bottom graph, the relative total surface area peaks in the center (capillaries) and decreases to either side of the peak. In the top graph, vessels to the left of capillaries have higher average blood pressures, while vessels to the right of capillaries have lower average blood pressures. Thus, as surface area decreases, blood pressure may increase or decrease. 4. (J) Science/Evaluation of Models/Analysis In the bottom graph, vessels with the smallest relative total surface area are to the extreme left and extreme right of the center (capillaries), representing the closest to and farthest from the left ventricle of the heart, respectively.

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