AccelePrep for the ACT Test 2nd Edition Student Text
C HAPTER 11 | H YPER P REP S CIENCE • 197 Soil erosion on cropland, both cultivated and non-cultivated, is of particular interest to farmers as well as land conservationists. In addition to on-site impacts on soil quality and crop productivity, off-site water quantity and quality, air quality, and wildlife habitat are all affected by cropland soil erosion. Figure 1.2 shows cropland soil ϐ ʹͷǦ Ǥ
Figure 1.2
1. According to the passage, both sheet and rill erosion are: A. caused by water. B. caused by wind. C. easily detected. D. independent of soil conditions. 2. According to Figure 1.2, how much land was lost to sheet and rill erosion in 1992?
Explanations for the example questions are included later in the chapter. Circle your answers now. Later when you reach the explanations at the end of the section, come back and check to make sure you answered the questions correctly.
F. 0.26 billion tons Ǥ ͲǤͻͷ H. 1.18 billion tons J. 2.16 billion tons
Comprehension items ask you to: • Find values on a chart or table • Perform a calculation • Read and understand graphs • Identify experimental design • Identify arguments SUM IT UP – COMPREHENSION
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