AccelePrep for the ACT Test 2nd Edition Student Text

A NSWER K EY • 313

SECTION 3: READING TEST (p. 276) 1. D 2. J 3. B 4. J 5. A 6. G 7. A 8. F 9. B 10. F 11. B 12. G 13. D 14. G 15. C 16. G 17. B 18. H 19. D 20. F 21. A 22. J 23. B 24. H SECTION 4: SCIENCE TEST (p. 286) 1. B 2. H 3. C 4. H 5. C 6. J 7. A 8. F 9. B 10. F 11. A 12. H 13. C 14. J 15. B 16. H 17. B 18. F 19. B 20. G 21. C 22. H 23. B 24. J

25. A 26. H 27. C 28. J 29. A 30. H 31. B 32. H 33. A 34. J 35. C 36. F 37. A 38. G 39. B 40. H

25. C 26. F 27. D 28. G 29. C 30. G 31. D 32. F 33. A 34. H 35. B 36. J 37. C 38. G 39. D 40. F


Above Average Response

If you walk through a suburban parking lot, on a city street, or even along a beach, you are likely to see grocery bags littering the ground. Because of the environmental risks they pose, free plastic and paper bags should be eliminated and be replaced with cloth bags or purchased bags that are designed for reuse. Non-reusable bags have a harmful impact on the environment, and consumers needlessly accumulate them. Although eliminating free grocery bags would be an unwelcome change for some consumers and manufacturers, it is a long-term change that needs to be made for the good of the environment. The production and use of both plastic and paper bags have a negative impact on the environment. As litter, plastic „ƒ‰• ƒ”‡ ‘”‡ †ƒ‰‡”‘—• –Šƒ ’ƒ’‡” „‡…ƒ—•‡ ‘ˆ–‡ǡ –Š‡› ƒ”‡ ‘– „‹‘†‡‰”ƒ†ƒ„Ž‡Ǥ Š‡› ƒ……——Žƒ–‡ ‹ Žƒ†ϔ‹ŽŽ• ƒ† can kill animals that attempt to eat them or that become entangled in them and suffocate. Plastic bags can be ‡•’‡…‹ƒŽŽ› Šƒ”ˆ—Ž ‹…‘ƒ•–ƒŽ…‹–‹‡• „‡…ƒ—•‡ –Š‡›…ƒ ϔŽ‘ƒ– ‹–‘ „‘†‹‡• ‘ˆ ™ƒ–‡”ǡ ™Š‡”‡ –Š‡› ƒ”‡ †‹ˆϔ‹…—Ž– –‘ ”‡…‘˜‡” ƒ† can kill marine life. Paper bags, however, require more energy to manufacture, which produces more greenhouse gases. Unless paper bags are made from recycled material, trees must be cut down to manufacture them. Paper bags are also harder to reuse because some plastic bags are waterproof and more durable. Because both types of cause environmental problems, it is best to shop with reusable, cloth bags. Grocery bags are also an example of waste because Americans accumulate more bags than necessary. One may argue that some sources of pollution, such as gasoline, cannot be eliminated because there is no widely available substitute. However, paper and plastic bags can easily be replaced with more environmentally-friendly products. It is wasteful to manufacture a product that harms the environment and that is used for about 20 minutes before being thrown out.

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