AccelePrep for the ACT Test 2nd Edition Student Text


Because these bags are so rapidly disposed, they accumulate in shoppers’ homes, or worse, outside. Some California cities, for example, have banned plastic bags because of the pollution they cause when they accumulate in natural environments. Stores should cut down on the number of non-reusable bags they distribute by charging for paper and plastic bags and also by having cloth bags available for sale. Opponents of banning plastic bags claim that a ban would be inconvenient for consumers and would harm manufacturers. For consumers, however, the ban would cease to be an annoyance once they adjusted to bringing their own bags. Shoppers could keep bags in their cars or backpacks for last-minute trips to the store, and initially, stores could reward customers who bring their own bags. For example, some stores enter shoppers with their own bags ‹ ƒ ”ƒˆϔŽ‡ ˆ‘” ˆ”‡‡ ‰”‘…‡”‹‡•Ǥ ‘‡…‘•—‡”• ƒ”‰—‡ –Šƒ– –Š‡› ”‡—•‡ ’Žƒ•–‹…„ƒ‰• ˆ‘” ‰ƒ”„ƒ‰‡Ǣ Š‘™‡˜‡”ǡ –Š‡› ™‘—Ž† still be able to purchase durable plastic bags at a low cost. The biggest challenge to eliminating plastic bags would be the threat to bag manufacturers. In California, a statewide ban was delayed because it would have eliminated ƒ—ˆƒ…–—”‡”•ǯ Œ‘„•Ǥ ‡ˆ‘”‡ ‹’Ž‡‡–‹‰ ƒ „ƒǡ •–ƒ–‡• •Š‘—Ž† †‡˜‹•‡ ’Žƒ• –‘ ‹‹‹œ‡ Œ‘„ Ž‘••Ǣ ˆ‘” ‡šƒ’Ž‡ǡ factories could transition into making fewer, more durable bags. Although eliminating free grocery bags would be an adjustment for many Americans, it would be worth the long-term ‡˜‹”‘‡–ƒŽ „‡‡ϔ‹–•Ǥ Š‡ Žƒ”‰‡ “—ƒ–‹–‹‡• ‘ˆ „ƒ‰• –Šƒ– ‡”‹…ƒ•…—””‡–Ž› —•‡ ‹• ™ƒ•–‡ˆ—Žǡ ƒ† –Š‡‹”…‘˜‡‹‡…‡ does not justify the threat they pose for the environment. Ideas and Analysis: The writer clearly states his or her thesis in the introduction: free, non-reusable shopping bags are a threat to the environment and should be banned. The writer’s thesis largely agrees with Perspective 2, but the writer adds that paper bags can also harm the environment. The author addresses Perspective 3’s argument by arguing that both paper and plastic bags can be harmful, and the quantity of bags overall should be reduced. The essay also counters Perspective 1’s claim that the convenience of free bags makes them necessary for consumers. Development and Support: • The introduction opens with a hook, and the description of litter in different environments illustrates that it is a widespread problem. • The writer clearly states the thesis in the second sentence of the introduction and previews the three main arguments. • The body paragraphs begin with topic sentences that state the main point or argument to be made in the paragraph. • The body paragraphs include concrete examples to support the writer’s opinions. 1. ‘†› ’ƒ”ƒ‰”ƒ’Š ͳǣ Š‡ ™”‹–‡” †‡•…”‹„‡• •’‡…‹ϐ‹…‡ˆˆ‡…–• ‘ˆ „‘–Š ’ƒ’‡” ƒ† ’Žƒ•–‹…„ƒ‰• ‘ –Š‡ environment. 2. Body paragraph 2: The writer argues that the accumulation of non-reusable bags is harmful and unnecessary and uses the California ban to illustrate this claim. 3. Body paragraph 3: The writer acknowledges the opposing viewpoint. Although the writer does ‘– Šƒ˜‡ •’‡…‹ϐ‹…ǡ ’”‘˜‡ ‡šƒ’Ž‡• ‘ˆ Š‘™ –‘ ’”‡˜‡– Œ‘„ Ž‘•• ™Š‡ ˆ‡™‡” „ƒ‰• ƒ”‡ ƒ—ˆƒ…–—”‡†ǡ he or she provides practical advice on how to make the transition easier for consumers. Organization: • The writer introduces each paragraph with a topic sentence. • Š‡ ™”‹–‡” —•‡• –”ƒ•‹–‹‘• –‘…‘‡…– ‹†‡ƒ• „‡–™‡‡ ƒ† ™‹–Š‹ ’ƒ”ƒ‰”ƒ’Š•Ǥ ‡‡ǡ ˆ‘” ‡šƒ’Ž‡ǡ –Š‡ ϐ‹”•– sentence of the second body paragraph: “Grocery bags are also an example of waste because Americans accumulate more bags than necessary.” • The main ideas are arranged in a logical progression: 1. Non-reusable bags are harmful for the environment. 2. These risks are unnecessary because non-reusable bags can be replaced with products that are more environmentally friendly.

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