Victory for the ACT Student Text 15e
L ESSON 2 | P AIRED P ASSAGES • 107 5. The two commentators would probably agree that Caravaggio and Rembrandt ϐ ǣ A. choice of subject matter. B. effect of darkness in painting. C. size of their canvasses. D. value of their masterpieces. 6. Which of the following best describes the relationship between the two passages? Ǥ ϐ of Caravaggio on Rembrandt while ϐ Rembrandt on Caravaggio. G. The author of Passage A praises Caravaggio for his willingness to break with tradition while the author of Passage B praises Rembrandt for his conventional approach. H. The author of Passage A criticizes Rembrandt for his lack of radicalism while the author of Passage B criticizes Caravaggio for his aggressive style. J. The author of Passage A prefers Caravaggio while the author of Passage B prefers Rembrandt.
by Caravaggio. But Rembrandt not only never met Caravaggio, he also never saw a Caravaggio painting. And Rembrandt was not a radical. Both painters were masters of chiaroscuro , the use of dramatic contrasts of light and shadow to describe form, but Rembrandt’s technique produces an altogether warmer result, a friendlier presence than that of Caravaggio. He doesn’t want to invade your reality so much as to tell you a story. Rembrandt made things look real in order to speak your language; Caravaggio does it to scare you out of your wits. Both of them prefer the dark, but whereas Rembrandt’s gloom is homely and comforting, Caravaggio’s is sinister and nightmarish. Rembrandt lived almost twice as long as Caravaggio, and his later works scream with a passion for paint that you never sense in the uptight handiwork of Caravaggio. Rembrandt dared to do what Caravaggio never wanted. 4. The two commentators would probably agree that: F. Rembrandt was a better painter than Caravaggio. Ǥ ϐ Rembrandt. H. Rembrandt and Caravaggio were both great artists. J. Rembrandt is a more realistic painter than Caravaggio. These passages are adapted from articles about alcohol abuse and dependence and opioid use disorder. Passage A Alcohol abuse and dependence are serious problems affecting 10 percent of adult Americans. Three out of 100 deaths in the United States can be linked directly Ǥ ϐ ǡ injuries in the home and on the job, and serious long-term medical consequences, Questions 4–6 ask about both passages. PASSAGE III NATURAL SCIENCE:
alcohol abuse has been implicated in aggression and crime. The cost of alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence is estimated to be as high as $1 trillion annually. Alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence are related but are separate problems. “Alcohol abuse” refers to problems accomplishing basic living activities due to alcohol use. Alcohol abuse manifests as repetitive patterns of heavy drinking impairing functioning and/or health.
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