Victory for the ACT Student Text 15e

L ESSON 2 | P AIRED P ASSAGES • 113 As used in line 23, steal up means: A. acquire unlawfully. B. prepare for action. C. promise faithfully. D. approach undetected.  –Š‡ ϐ‹”•– –™‘ ’ƒ”ƒ‰”ƒ’Š•ǡ –Š‡ ƒ—–Š‘” ‘ˆ Passage A is primarily concerned with: Ǥ ”‡…‘—–‹‰ ƒ ‡š’‡”‹‡…‡Ǥ Ǥ ‡š’Ž‘”‹‰ ƒ –Š‡‘”›Ǥ H. teaching a lesson. J. offering an opinion. As used in line 27, conceit means: A. arrogance. Ǥ •‡Žϐ‹•Š‡••Ǥ C. fanciful notion. D. dissatisfaction. According to the passage, the deer and the sheep are alike in that they both: F. are wary of human beings. G. inhabit remote Alpine gardens. H. feed without causing destruction. J. live untamed in wilderness regions. The “boldly drawn hieroglyphics” ȋŽ‹‡• ͷͳΫͷʹȌ ƒ”‡ ’”‘„ƒ„Ž›ǣ A. claw marks. B. park signs. Ǥ ”ƒ”‡ ϐŽ‘™‡”•Ǥ D. hoofprints. The author compares the deer to ‰ƒ”†‡‡”• ȋŽ‹‡• ͶͲȂͶ͵Ȍ ‹ ‘”†‡” –‘ǣ F. encourage the reader to learn more about deer. G. refute the idea that deer are aggressive. H. illustrate the similarity between deer and humans. J. emphasize that deer are not destructive.

“Waw, waw, waw!” was the hoarse cry that came to his ears, apparently from a human being in distress. Antoine strained his eyes and craned his neck to see who it could be. Through an opening in the branches ahead he perceived a large grizzly bear lying along an inclined limb and hugging it desperately to maintain his position. The herd had now thoroughly pervaded the timber, and the bear was likewise hemmed in. He had taken his unaccustomed refuge after making a brave stand against several bulls, one of which lay dead nearby, while he himself was bleeding from several wounds. Antoine had been assiduously looking for a friendly tree, by means of which he hoped to escape from captivity. His horse, by chance, made his way directly under the ˜‡”› „‘šǦ‡Ž†‡” –Šƒ– ™ƒ• •—•–ƒ‹‹‰ –Š‡ „‡ƒ” and there was a convenient branch just within his reach. He saw at a glance that the occupant of the tree would not interfere with him. They were, in fact, companions in distress. Antoine sprang desperately from the pony’s back and seized the cross-limb with both his hands. By the middle of the afternoon the main body of the herd had passed, and Antoine was sure that his captivity had at last come to an end. Then he swung himself from his limb to the ground, and walked •–‹ˆϐŽ› –‘ –Š‡…ƒ”…ƒ•• ‘ˆ –Š‡ ‡ƒ”‡•–…‘™ǡ which he dressed, and prepared himself a ‡ƒŽǤ —– ϐ‹”•– Š‡ –‘‘ ƒ ’‹‡…‡ ‘ˆ Ž‹˜‡” ‘ ƒ long pole to the bear! Questions 20–26 ask about Passage A. As used in line 14, sprays refers to: F. minute droplets. G. light mist. H. thin legs. J. small branches.















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