Victory for the ACT Student Text 15e
114 • R EADING
ϐ Passage B is: F. frivolous. G. suspenseful. H. animated. J. reserved. The phrase “unaccustomed refuge” ȋ ͳͲͷȌ ǣ Ǥ ϐ spaces. B. rarely climbed a tree for safety. C. did not often encounter buffalo. D. was fearful of the presence of a human. As used in line 127, dressed means: The mood of Passage B moves from: A. joy to despair. B. hopelessness to hope. C. happiness to gloom. D. apprehension to courageousness. F. adorned. G. clothed. H. prepared. J. bound.
Questions 27–33 ask about Passage B. As used in line 76, wallows means: A. deep cave. B. shallow depression. C. rugged cliff. D. low hill. By “the natural offensiveness of man” ȋ ͳȂʹȌǡ probably refers to man’s: F. frequent rudeness. G. disagreeable odor. H. uncontrolled aggression. J. distasteful behavior. All of the following are true of the comparison drawn in the third paragraph of Passage B EXCEPT: A. Antoine, like a shipwrecked sailor, is in a desperate situation. B. The herd of buffalo are like the storm- driven sea. Ǥ ϐ dangerous creatures that threaten a sailor the way Antoine fears the buffalo. D. Antoine’s pony supports him the way that debris might support a shipwrecked sailor.
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