Victory for the ACT Student Text 15e

L ESSON 3 | P UNCTUATION • 39 Students who plan to graduate with joint majors, must declare their intention and identify the two areas of study by the end of their junior years. F. NO CHANGE G. Students who plan to graduate with joint majors must declare H. Students, who plan to graduate with joint majors, must declare J. Students—who plan to graduate with joint majors—must declare

19. By the middle of June, the foliage on the trees and the underbrush was lush and green and so thick that it was impossible to see very far, into the woods. A. NO CHANGE B. By the middle of June the foliage on the trees and the underbrush was lush and green; and it was so thick that it was impossible to see, very far, into the woods. C. By the middle of June the foliage, on the trees and the underbrush, was lush and green and so thick that it was impossible to see very far, into the woods. D. By the middle of June, the foliage on the trees and the underbrush was lush and green and so thick that it was impossible to see very far into the woods. He grew up on a farm in Nebraska; he is now the captain of a navy ship. A. NO CHANGE B. He grew up on a farm in Nebraska, he is now the captain of a navy ship. C. He grew up on a farm in Nebraska he is now the captain of a navy ship. D. He grew up on a farm in Nebraska; while he is now the captain of a navy ship. The Smithtown players cheered the referee’s decision; the Stonybrook players booed it. F. NO CHANGE G. The Smithtown players cheered the referee’s decision the Stonybrook players booed it. H. The Smithtown players cheered the referee’s decision, the Stonybrook players booed it. J. The Smithtown players cheered the referee’s decision: the Stonybrook players booed it. 21. 22.



When John entered the room; everyone stood up. A. NO CHANGE B. room, everyone C. room, everyone, D. room everyone Clem announced that the prize would be donated to Harbus House; a well-known charity. F. NO CHANGE G. would be donated to Harbus House a well-known H. would be donated to, Harbus House, a well-known J. would be donated to Harbus House, a well-known The nineteenth-century composers Wagner and Mahler did more than just write music, they conducted their own works. A. NO CHANGE B. music, in that they conducted C. music; they conducted D. music, with their conducting of


Master Moves The following options are all correct ways to separate independent clauses: 1. a comma followed by a conjunction 2. a semicolon 3. end-stop punctuation If you see at least two answer choices with these features (and no other differences), you can eliminate those choices, since there can’t be more than one correct answer and those choices would essentially be equal.



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