Victory for the ACT Student Text 15e
26. The seemingly tranquil lane has been the scene of many crimes including: two assaults, three robberies, and one murder. F. NO CHANGE G. including two assaults, three robberies, and one murder H. including two assaults three robberies and one murder J. including: two assaults three robberies and one murder
27. In addition to test scores, college ϐ consideration many other factors such as: grades, extracurricular activities, and letters of recommendation. A. NO CHANGE B. factors such as grades, extracurricular activities, and letters of recommendation C. factors: such as grades, extracurricular activities, and letters of recommendation D. factors such as grades extracurricular activities and letters of recommendation
Master Moves Remember that colons replace phrases that introduce a list, including “such as,” “like,” “that is,” etc. Use one or the other, but not both.
28. ϐ Ǥ counselor, that he had been accepted. F. NO CHANGE Ǥ ϐ counselor, that he had been accepted. Ǥ ϐ ǡ counselor that he had been accepted. Ǥ ϐ ǡ counselor, that he had been accepted. 29. Peanuts—blanched or lightly roasted, add an interesting texture and taste to garden salads. A. NO CHANGE B. Peanuts—blanched or lightly roasted—add an interesting texture and taste to garden salads. C. Peanuts blanched or lightly roasted — add an interesting texture and taste to garden salads. D. Peanuts, blanched or lightly roasted— add an interesting texture and taste to garden salads.
The rug gets its striking colors from the weaver’s skilled use of dyes—both natural and synthetic to create shades in subtle variations. F. NO CHANGE G. dyes both natural and synthetic to create H. dyes—both natural—and synthetic to create J. dyes—both natural and synthetic—to create
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