Victory for the ACT Student Text 15e


“those” agrees with “writings,” and the possessive is correctly formed. A. NO CHANGE B. has no heroes: his C. has no heroes his D. has no heroes, his 9. (A) English/Conventions of Standard English/No Change The original sentence is correct because the semicolon correctly separates two independent clauses. 10. The most appropriate placement of the underlined phrase in this sentence would be: F. where it is now. G. after the word act . H. before the word act . J. after the word occupied . 10. (J) English/Production of Writing/ Organization/Sentence-Level Structure The placement of “only” in the original sentence is incorrect. The original sentence intends to say that all of Shakespeare’s characters act and speak as ordinary people would. (J) makes this clear by placing “only” after the word “occupied.” A. NO CHANGE B. would have speaked C. would have spoken D. would speak 11. (C) English/Conventions of Standard English/Grammar and Usage/Diction The original sentence commits a diction error. “Would of” does not exist in standard written English. The correct expression is “would have.” (C) is correct because “would have spoken” is the correct form of the verb. EXPLANATIONS 9. 11.

has no heroes; his scenes only are occupied by persons who act and speak as the reader 9 10

Passage Perfect Notice all the space between lines here. This is a feature of the ACT test too, but it’s more pronounced here because we’ve included the explanations. The advantage is that the questions are always lined up with the corresponding line in the passage. Just make sure you look back to the previous page to read or reread the beginning of a sentence.

thinks he or she would of spoken or acted on 11

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