Victory for the ACT Student Text 15e



the same occasion. This, therefore, is the praise of Shakespeare that his drama is the mirror of life. 13 12

12. F. NO CHANGE G. Shakespeare, H. Shakespeare. That J. Shakespeare: that 12. (J) English/Conventions of Standard English/Sentence Structure/Run-On Sentences

The original sentence is incorrect because it is a run-on sentence. (J) corrects the error; the colon serves to introduce an explanation or a restatement. (G) results in a comma splice. (H) creates a sentence fragment. • –Š‡ ϐ‹ƒŽ •‡–‡…‡ ƒ ƒ’’”‘’”‹ƒ–‡ ending? Ǥ ‡•ǡ „‡…ƒ—•‡ ‹– ƒ‡• ƒ ϐ‹ƒŽ ’‘‹– about Shakespeare that was not previously mentioned and will leave the reader with something to think about. B. Yes, because it is a summary of what was said in the introductory paragraph and will give the reader a sense of closure. C. No, because it is irrelevant to the essay and will leave the reader confused. D. No, because it is so repetitious that it will make the reader impatient. Strategy/Effective Concluding Sentence In the passage, the author praises Šƒ‡•’‡ƒ”‡Ǥ Š‡ ϐ‹ƒŽ •‡–‡…‡ appropriately summarizes the development of the passage.


13. (B) English/Production of Writing/

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