Victory for the ACT Student Text 15e
182 • W RITING
Organization: • The writer brings up three separate arguments in the introduction but fails to combine them into a cohesive thesis. Ȉ ȋȌǡ not enough to link it to the two previous body paragraphs. An effective transition must acknowledge the preceding idea and connect it to the idea that follows. Ȉ ϐ paragraph. The writer needs a conclusion that summarizes the thesis and recalls all main points of the essay. Language Use and Conventions: Ȉ ǣ ʹǣ Dz ǯ dz Ǥ ϐ Dz dz DzǤdz Ȉ ǣ ǣ ǡ Dzdz Dzdz Ǥ ͳ Ǥ Dz ǡdz ǡ Dz Ǥdz ȋ ǡ mention fracking.) Ȉ Ǥ ȋ ͳǣ who argue against fracking argue that it causes environmental problems.) Summary and Conclusions: The essay lacks a clear thesis and presents contradicting arguments. The body paragraphs also do not have enough evidence to support their arguments. This essay would likely receive a score of 5.
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